happy and carefree baby

Someone is unhappy..

Let them be..

Someone is judging you..

Let them judge..

Someone thinks you are wrong..

Let them think..

Someone has problem with your deeds..

Let them have..

Someone is demotivating you..

Let them be demotivated themselves..

a soul seeker

All they have is unhappiness, inappropriate sense of judgement, wrong thinking & they themselves do nothing, so they are angry. They think you are breaking the bounds, in a nutshell they want you to satisfy their ego, which you don’t.

People like these, are often living with their own greater pseudo self and ego, which lead them to darkness.

Suppose, you decided to work for some great cause, they may express their unhappiness in several ways, in their pseudo, small & narrow thought they think, you are invading their territory. And you may feel their anger in different ways.

Actually, these obstacles are often felt by spiritual people. Our spiritual master “Yogarshi Sri Kapil” has already wrote and indicated about these things. These “Tamasik” or “Aasuri” “vritti” are propagated by the world of darkness upon these types of people, who are the right absorber of “Tamasik” “Vritti” to create difficulties in your divine path, after they themselves are constantly trying & failing in it.

You should carefully avoid them, their unhappiness, their anger, everything related with them and concentrate on your journey, your goal.

In a long journey to find yourself, you may encounter many helping hands too. They will help you, whenever you are tired, you are demotivated, when you start to think that your goal is actually unreachable.

helping hands

These helping hands are of course from the world of light. Sometimes these helps may be from some actual people in this world. These ingenious and “Satvaguni” people are the perfect instrument to spread kindness, help, divinity, by those helping hands of light from subtle world.

Be respectful to these helping hands, but a truth seeker should move beyond these things. If light is guiding you, be respectful but don’t stop your journey there, thinking this is your final destination.

In the same way if darkness is creating troubles for you, don’t be afraid, always remember you have no other choice once you start. You have to face them, and make sure you always outperform them with your tools. This is true and leads to success. Here your tool may be different and according to the choice of your “Darshana” and method of attaining enlightenment.

surrounded with the physical and subtle army of darkness

When you are in trouble, surrounded with the physical and subtle army of darkness, remember the divine will of enlightenment is calling you and you are making progress very fast, hence the world of darkness has started to interfere here. They themselves are afraid of you, once you reach your destination it will be impossible for them to harm you or mislead you. Also, the divine power of your spiritual master is with you & waiting for your moves, she is clearing your path, removing unnecessary and unwanted things and making it clearer.

Who is your God, till you reach your goal? The answer is – “Your own will power”.

And how to increase it?

“Just be on the side of it at any cost.”

Then it will become omnipotent by merging it with the will power of your spiritual master and leads you to your destination.

It will destroy everything but will lead you to your divine self “Aatman”.

meditaing woman for aatman

The omnipresent and omnipotant “Aatman” has it’s divine ego. Don’t stop there by enjoying the bliss and destroy it’s ego as well, leave your path, your “darshan”, your philosophy there, & there is absolute nothing, neither light nor darkness. Sri Gurudev (Our spiritual master) indicated about this in “Vaartaa”, Vol -1.

But to attain this goal easily, bow to your spiritual master, your Guru, he is the one who is already in this state and if he decides to enlighten you, nothing can stop you.

Yes, it’s true some people say that there is no need of “Spiritual Master” and you can attain it by yourself alone. They are true, but makes it almost impossible. Even Lord Krishna directs Arjuna to seek for a learned Guru in Geeta.

So, you will experience both if you are a soul seeker, if you started your journey to find divine self.

Never ever care about those puppets of darkness in your life, because life and the storage space of your memory is precious enough.